목록SPOCK/KIRK 영픽 번역/[-ing] In Time (11)
Hey! Neble
In Time By yeaka Transformative Works Statement:I hereby give permission for anyone to translate any of my fanfiction works into other languages, provided they give me credit and provide a link back to my profile or the original work. Thank you for the interest; I'm always honoured when people ask to translate my work. :) 스팍의 일이 축복받았다고만은 할 수 없었다. 좋게 보면 스팍이 짐을 잘 키워내긴 했다. 짐은 이제 의젓한 사회의 일원이 되어 있었다...
In Time By yeaka Transformative Works Statement:I hereby give permission for anyone to translate any of my fanfiction works into other languages, provided they give me credit and provide a link back to my profile or the original work. Thank you for the interest; I'm always honoured when people ask to translate my work. :) 6장: 열일곱 살 (1) 작게 덜커덩하는 소리에 스팍이 꿈에서 깨어났다. 몽롱함이 가시자 누군가 자신의 이름을 부르며 조금씩 흔들어 ..
In Time By yeaka Transformative Works Statement:I hereby give permission for anyone to translate any of my fanfiction works into other languages, provided they give me credit and provide a link back to my profile or the original work. Thank you for the interest; I'm always honoured when people ask to translate my work. :) 짐은 금세 3D 체스를 즐기기 시작했다. 처음엔 실력이 썩 좋지는 않았다. 너무 신중하지 못한데다 이어질 수를 생각하지 않아서가 대부..
In Time By yeaka Transformative Works Statement: I hereby give permission for anyone to translate any of my fanfiction works into other languages, provided they give me credit and provide a link back to my profile or the original work. Thank you for the interest; I'm always honoured when people ask to translate my work. :) 5장: 열여섯 살 (1) 짐이 다른 사람에게서 배웠는지의 여부는 스팍도 확실히 알진 못했다. 짐은 아니라고 했지만 스팍이 경험한 바..
In Time By yeaka Transformative Works Statement: I hereby give permission for anyone to translate any of my fanfiction works into other languages, provided they give me credit and provide a link back to my profile or the original work. Thank you for the interest; I'm always honoured when people ask to translate my work. :) 4장: 열다섯 살 짐은 점점 더 어린이가 아니라 작은 남자로 변해갔다. 짐은 스스로를 남자라고 했지만 스팍은 여전히 어린이라는 호칭..
In Time By yeaka Transformative Works Statement: I hereby give permission for anyone to translate any of my fanfiction works into other languages, provided they give me credit and provide a link back to my profile or the original work. Thank you for the interest; I'm always honoured when people ask to translate my work. :) 시작은 간단한 질문이었다. “우린 왜 벌칸 음식은 안 먹어?” “네가 벌칸 음식을 좋아하리라곤 생각하지 않아.” “너만 불편하잖아...
In Time by yeaka Transformative Works Statement: I hereby give permission for anyone to translate any of my fanfiction works into other languages, provided they give me credit and provide a link back to my profile or the original work. Thank you for the interest; I'm always honoured when people ask to translate my work. :) 대체적으로 올해는 짐을 대하기가 편했다. 짐은 학교에서 무척 잘 지냈다. 짐이 산만해졌다고 스팍이 걱정한 적이 많았는데도 짐은 전 ..
In Time by yeaka Transformative Works Statement: I hereby give permission for anyone to translate any of my fanfiction works into other languages, provided they give me credit and provide a link back to my profile or the original work. Thank you for the interest; I'm always honoured when people ask to translate my work. :) 커크 제독은 무척 바쁜 모양이었다. 본부에 방문하던 날 스팍이 통신 센터에 연락해 보았지만 제독은 연결 불가능 지역에 있었다. 그날..
In Time by yeaka Transformative Works Statement: I hereby give permission for anyone to translate any of my fanfiction works into other languages, provided they give me credit and provide a link back to my profile or the original work. Thank you for the interest; I'm always honoured when people ask to translate my work. :) 짐이 자동차에 관심을 보이자마자 스팍은 자기가 운전할 때 외에는 늘 자동차의 계기판을 잠가두었다. 짐과 함께 지내면서 배운 게 하나..
In Time by yeaka Transformative Works Statement: I hereby give permission for anyone to translate any of my fanfiction works into other languages, provided they give me credit and provide a link back to my profile or the original work. Thank you for the interest; I'm always honoured when people ask to translate my work. :) 커크 제독이 설정해 놓은 전자 패드를 보니, 짐의 취침시간은 22시였다. 22시가 되니 집안에 긴 그림자를 드리우며 해가 저물었다...